SRX6491865: PacBio H5 files of Saccharibacteria bacterium HMT-955strain PM004
1 PACBIO_SMRT (PacBio RS II) run: 163,482 spots, 3.8G bases, 12.4Gb downloads
Design: Genomic DNA was isolated using a modified MasterPure DNA isolation kit (Epicentre) protocol which included a bead-beating step to increase cell lysis. Library preparation and DNA sequencing were performed at the Johns Hopkins Deep Sequencing and Microarray Core. Genomic DNA was sheared to 10-20 kb using a Covaris G-tube and purified using AMpure XP beads (Agencourt Bioscience). Size selection and further cleanup was performed using BluePippin (Sage Science). The library was sequenced on PacBio RS II instrument on one SMRTcell per library.
Submitted by: The Forsyth Institute
Human oral bacterial isolates Genome sequencingshow Abstracthide AbstractForsyth oral bacterial genomes isolated in pure culture from human oral samples
Saccharibacteria bacterium HMT-955 strain PM004Library:
Name: TM7_PM004
Instrument: PacBio RS II
Strategy: WGS
Selection: RANDOM
Layout: SINGLE
1 run, 163,482 spots, 3.8G bases, 12.4Gb